Below are some of the characters I’ve created.
The Girl Dancing
This drawing is from the inspiration by a Chinese dance performance performed during the Chinese New Year Festival. In this painting, I generally draw in a really traditional Chinese color tone. Moreover, I’ve drawn the background as a famous Chinese painting “千里江山图”. In the show, the dancer’s makeup was also kind of modern type, I changed it in my drawing to a more traditional Chinese way to make her look like someone from the past. Even though this painting was drawn digitally, I’ve intentionally left some brush strokes in the background to imitate the texture of the unique kind of paper used in the past.
Winter Jasmine
In this drawing, the flower at the front is winter jasmine. When creating this painting, I would like to create a theme based on Spring. This painting was created during the summer holiday I spent in Beijing. In my memory, I’ve always enjoyed Spring in Beijing the most, and every year, there are always tons of winter jasmines in our garden. Due to this memory, I created this character as a winter jasmine fairy.
This character has a lot of meaning to me, I created her to fill up the part I feel like I do not have in my personality. In this drawing, we can observe that she got her own kind of fashion, she got her style of cloth and jewelry, etc. In real life, sometimes, not only me, but a lot of people might not feel comfortable wearing these clothes and are not confident in their tastes in clothes. I created this character to express this kind of feeling. I’ve also incorporated some china elements inside to create this kind of pattern.